
The vision of FoxDAO is to connect to all people who are full of hope for the future of Web3, and to reward them for a long time via the full decentralized autonomous organization.

MetaMask, as the leading product in the WEB3 concept, FoxDAO initiates the airdrop to all users who have used "Swap" feature in MetaMask wallet. This is both marketing and sincere respect!


Claim $FOX


Wallet Address Waiting for connection

According to the transaction of MetaMask SWAP you have used:

- total 0.00 swap on Ethereum, reward 0.00 $FOX.

- total 0.00 swap on BSC, reward 0.00 $FOX.

- total 0.00 swap on Matic, reward 0.00 $FOX.

Total reward 0.00

Note: Currently, Metamsk's Swap feature supports the Ethereum network, BSC network and Matic network. If you have used the SWAP in the above networks, you are eligible to claim airdrops.

You have until April 1st 2022 to claim your $FOX token. Any unclaimed tokens will stay in the contract forever, which means burnt.

The total supply of $FOX tokens is 100 trillion . $FOX will be used to motivate early participants of WEB3, developers, and more contributors in the future.

$FOX is also the governance token of FOXDAO. Every token holder will have an important right to determine the future of FOXDAO. $FOX holders will also capture more values in the FOXDAO ecosystem in the future.

Airdrop for Metamask users

50% of $FOX will be distributed to all people who have used Swap feature in MetaMask wallet since day 1.
The snapshot is taken on 28 Dec 2021 00:00:00 (UTC) at Ethereum blocks #13890394, Binance blocks #13854586 and Polygon blocks #23042208.

  1. 80% of 50% is allocated to swap users on ETH.
  2. 17% of 50% is allocated to swap users on BSC.
  3. 3% of 50% is allocated to swap users on Polygon.

Staking Incentive

10% of $FOX will be distributed to the Vesting Staking pool.

StableCoin Protocol

20% of $FOX will be distributed to this protocol.


20% of $FOX is allocated to the FoxDAO, it will

  1. Support FoxDAO communities
  2. Developer grant for participating in $FOX ecosystem
  3. Support other Web3 projects
  4. Provide initial liquidity on Uniswap
  5. Any proposal supported by the community


Road Map

The FoxDAO is an interesting experiment. We don't want $FOX to become a MEME token like other DAOs or turn out a fake centralized DAO. An excellent tokenomics will determine its success or failure.

Therefore, we have created an interesting tokenomics for $FOX tokens. We referred to the excellent token economic models and contracts in DEFI (such as CURVE, Liquity and Olympusdao) to ensure the health and stability of FoxDAO.

Staking Pool before Jan 11th 2022

Stakers can receive $FOX reward and capture all revenue of the upcoming stablecoin protocol.

StableCoin Protocol before Feb 15th 2022

Deploy a stablecoin protocol based on the Liquity protocol, which helps $FOX holder to borrow stablecoin against $FOX asset at 0% interest.

Bond before Mar 15th 2022

Allows people to buy $FOX bonds, it will protect and increase liquidity while providing more stable funds for the FoxDAO treasury.

Community Driven April 1st 2022

The ownership of FoxDAO will be transferred from multi-signature wallet to FoxDAO contract, and all $FOX toekns in the DAO will be fully managed by the community.

Add $FOX into MetaMask wallet